Traveling with a newborn baby? It can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to air travel. The idea of navigating through airports, security checkpoints, and long flights with a little one in tow can be overwhelming. However, with some careful planning and preparation, flying with a baby can be a smooth and stress-free experience for both you and your little one. In this blog post, I will share 10 expert tips that will help you make the most out of flying with your little one. From packing essentials to dealing with ear pressure, we’ve got you covered. So, sit back, relax, and read on to make your next flight with your little one a breeze.

1. Age restrictions
If you have to fly with a newborn shortly after giving birth, make sure you check the age restrictions. They are different for each air line, but generally speaking, a one week old new human can usually fly. Regardless of this, always get an approval from your paediatrician.
2. If you don’t breastfeed
Make sure you prepare all your liquids before and that they are in line with the restrictions. Put them in a clear plastic bag that’s easy to pull out at security.
3. Consider using a baby carrier
A baby carrier or a sling will make flying with a baby so much easier when walking in a crowd or through tight places. It also keeps your baby close to you and your hands free.
4. Boarding the plane
If you have a partner, let them get on the plane first so they can prepare everything for you e.g. wiping off all surfaces, packing away the luggage etc. You can then avoid all the pushing and shoving AND reduce the time you spend on a plane.
5. Time the feeding time just right
Because of the change in air pressure, babies little ears often hurt during take-off and landing. Try to time the feeding times at these crucial moments. Make sure that you start when the plane actually takes off and not when starting taxiing as that might take a long time.
6. In-flight entertainment
Make sure you have your baby’s favourite toy and a baby book with you. If it’s feasible, take something new for every trip as well. I would suggest a sensory toy that engages more than one sense and invites lots of exploration. The Crochet Teething Ring, the Montessori Puzzle Ball, the Sensory Ball and the Sensory Bean Bags are all perfectly suitable for the job.

7. No need to overpack
Think about how many nappies your baby uses during a day and use this to get an estimate of how many nappy changes you are likely to go through. Pack an extra nappy just to be on the safe side.
I know, it’s hard to know what to take and what to leave on the very first journey. I could give you an itemised list of the very necessary things you need to take but I recognise that every family’s needs are different. Take everything you think you need for the first couple of journeys then take out everything you did not use. But if you still feel like you need a list, take a look at this very comprehensive guide.
8. Bring disposables
Even the most seasoned cloth nappy sworn mummies agree that the convenience of a disposable nappy during a flight is unbeatable.
9. Don’t forget about yourself!
‘Feeding’ also includes you. Make sure you have enough snacks and water at hand. Put an extra T-shirt in as well. We all know how likely those pesky accidents are to happen when it comes to a tiny human!
10. Keep an open mind!
Babies change from one day to another. Flying with a baby who is only a week old is very different to flying with a 3 months old or a 7 months old! Every time you travel your little one will behave differently. So even if you had a bad experience, don’t let it stop you from trying again, the advantages of a new family adventure will make it worthwhile!

In conclusion, flying with a baby can be a challenging experience, but with careful planning and preparation, it can also be a fun and rewarding one. Remember to plan ahead, prepare for security and boarding, make the flight as comfortable as possible, and pack enough supplies for feeding and diapering. With these tips in mind, you can take some of the stress out of air travel and enjoy the journey with your little one. Don’t forget to share your own tips and experiences with others, as we can all learn from each other and make the most out of our travels with our babies. Happy flying!
Click here to read more about how the Montessori Visual Mobiles, the Montessori Tactile Mobiles or the Sensory Baby Toys help your baby’s development.
How did your first time of flying with your baby go? Please share your photos on my Instagram site. #montessoriedited, @montessoriedited