Montessori materials – should you buy or DIY?

Montessori materials are so beautiful! They are all so aesthetically pleasing to the eye. They have lovely colours that are not too bright for the eyes, and are all made of natural materials. AND they are also very expensive! I know what you’re thinking, that your gorgeous baby has to have the best of everything! But does it really make such a difference in your little one’s development if you DIY a few things? That baby will probably use a huge amount of Montessori materials in the next six years or more, that’s a small fortune! How can you decide whether you should invest in a ready-made material that costs more or knuckle down and make it yourself? The answer for this question is this: it depends on your circumstances. Read on for the long explanation.

One of the many important Montessori principles is that the material we give to our baby MUST be beautiful (read more about Montessori philosophy for babies in this post). There are a few things you have to consider before spending a small fortune on them. I’ll go through each of them and give you pros and cons, so you can choose the one that’s most suitable to your circumstances.


Let’s face it, many Montessori materials take up quite a lot of space. While your child is small, this might not feel like it, however as she grows, you’ll notice that things stack up and suddenly you’re buried under everything Montessori!

Do you have a big house? When your baby finishes using them, do you have space to store them? Do you have somebody (a relative or a close friend) with a smaller baby to give them to?

Read here about the essential Montessori baby toys.

Time – 1

How long is your baby going to use that particular material?

For a few weeks, only to learn a certain skill and then move on, such as a baby mobile? Or is it something they can use for months, even years, like the side-lying mirror? (Read about a Montessori baby space here).

Time – 2

How much time do YOU have?

If you’re still pregnant and not working, now is the time to do some preparations for your unborn baby. You can make all the DIY mobiles ahead of time so when your baby is born, you just have to pick the one you need and you’re good to go. This Full Montessori Set in my shop sets you up for the first 4-5 months. You simply won’t have to buy any other baby toys at all!

You already have a baby and you don’t even have time to take a shower, let alone make Montessori mobiles? Definitely get them ready-made!

Choose a ready-made Montessori visual mobile - Montessori materials
Pick and choose your ready-made mobile from my Shop.
Family economy

Do you have the means to buy Montessori materials? Then go for it! There’s nothing lovelier than seeing your little one playing with beautiful materials!

However, if this is not the case, don’t worry. Your baby will not lose anything by using DIY toys, I promise you! The development will be the same, whether they use a wooden Montessori Object Permanence Box or a DIY Box which you can either get from my Shop or make it yourself!

Montessori materials: A wooden Object Permanence Box with my DIY Box
A wooden Object Permanence Box (30-40 euros on Etsy) next to my DIY Box kit (9.99 euros), available in my Shop.
Are you planning on having only one child?

If you are thinking of having only one child, maybe it’s not worth investing so much money into every single material. Pick and choose the ones that you feel are worth buying. However, if you’re thinking of having a big family, then you can treat these objects as “heirlooms” and spend a bit more on them.

Do you like arts and crafts and have TONS of resources at home already?

In this case I would suggest looking into digital assembly guides. This option requires the least amount of money but the longest time to make. It is a good choice if you have lots of time in your hands, enjoy making things with your own hands. Or if there’s another person (for example an older child) around you who can help with the assembly.

Take a look at the Digital Assembly Guide that includes instructions for all the seven Montessori visual mobiles AND templates with the correct measurements AND tutorial videos.


Even though Montessori materials are made to be beautiful, let’s stop and pause for a second before we make the decision to invest into something your baby is going to use. Be assertive. Do you really need to buy that material ready-made? Think about the points I mentioned above in your head, and make an educated choice instead of being swayed by marketing. But before you buy a Montessori material for your baby, read through this post.

Click here to read more about how the Montessori Visual Mobiles, the Montessori Tactile Mobiles or the Sensory Baby Toys help your baby’s development.

Have you made any DIY toys for your baby? Share it with us in the comments section or tag me in your Instagram photos. #montessoriedited, @montessoriedited